Spousal support modification

Successful parent child communication after a divorce
What Does Reasonable Visitation Really Mean?

If you become aware that your former spouse has been living with someone (boyfriend/girlfriend) for a long period of time that may be a change in circumstance that can trigger a review of the ordered spousal support payments in your divorce/dissolution/ domestic partnership.

Call an experienced family law attorney to assist you in filing a motion.  The termination or modification of spousal support does not automatically occur.  At the hearing if the California Family Code 4320 factors are not clearly indicated in your divorce/dissolution/ domestic partnership Judgment, your attorney will have to go thru the factors in court.

Once cohabitation is established then the burden will shift to your spouse to show that he or she is still in need of spousal support.

Spousal support modifications are recommended especially if the circumstance have changed. We recommend you retain a family law attorney whom is experienced in modifying spousal support orders. Therefore, if you are in need of a family law lawyer in Orange County our Tustin family law & divorce  firm can assist you with the modification.  We are experienced lawyers whom practice in all areas of family law. Our firm is located across the street from Tustin City Hall and Tustin Police Department. Our family law firm is well known and respected; therefore, you can rest assured your legal needs will be safeguard.

Successful parent child communication after a divorce
What Does Reasonable Visitation Really Mean?