Spreading Awareness to Prevent Elder Abuse

Should I file for a divorce?
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Elder Abuse can occur in any community. The cases of elder abuse are increasing and it is important that each senior receive adequate support and aid. It is important to note that the elder community is often vulnerable due to aging related health issues, or inadequate transportation and limited vehicles of communication.

Elder Abuse can be prevented with raising awareness and providing more services to the elderly and their caregivers. It is important that members of the community interested in advocating for the elderly volunteer or raise awareness in their communities somehow. The elderly may not know where to report the abuse or may be afraid to. As members of our community it is important for everyone to advocate for the elderly in your surrounding communities. If we can discuss with the elderly the importance of reporting abuse this may help others in the community in overcoming their fear of speaking out against their aggressors.

Forms of elder abuse vary from the physical aspects which can include but are not limited to scratches, bruises, bites, or any other physical signs. Additionally, emotional abuse, financial abuse, or forms of neglect are also considered elder abuse. If you, or anyone you know witnesses elder abuse it is important to report it to APS, also known as Adult Protective Services.

For further information regarding elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Should I file for a divorce?
Divorces in California