Strategies for Coping With Parents Divorce

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Coping with a divorce is one of the most stressful events in a persons life. Often children may think the divorce was a result of something they did. It is important that the children know that they did not cause the divorce. It is important for you to discuss with your child the reasons for the divorce and that they were not the reason the marriage did not work out. Encouraging your children to speak with you regarding their thoughts and feelings toward the divorce is crucial.

It is important for your child to not feel guilty regarding the divorce. If you notice your child feeling depressed or withdrawn it is important that they discuss their feelings. Furthermore, it is important for your child to remain involved in extracurricular activities. In addition, please encourage your child to remain social and to be active at this stressful time.

For further information regarding divorce and family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 today for your free initial consultation!

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