Successful Parent/Child Communication Post-Divorce

Olivia Wilde’s Divorce
Child Custody

One of the most difficult things to deal with post-divorce has to be the changed dynamic in seeing your children. Even if the time spent with your children is evenly split between you and your ex-partner, this will seem far from fair to you. Many miscommunications can occur between you and your child during and after divorce.  Many children tend to feel guilty for causing the separation, or even feel that the parent leaving the household is also leaving them. Thus, following are some tips to successfully communicating with your child post-divorce:

 1)   Be available when your child asks you questions or talks to you.

2)   Sit, kneel, or come eye to eye with your child when talking.

3)   Make sure the conversation is not forced upon the child.

4)   Don’t dismiss any subject that your child comes to you with lightly.

For further information regarding divorce and more please contact the Divorce and Custody attorneys for Southern California at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

Olivia Wilde’s Divorce
Child Custody