Supervised visitation is when a child can only have contact with a parent when a neutral third person is present. A judge may order supervised visitation for various reasons. Supervised visitation may be ordered when there is a history of abuse, when there are mental illness, or when there is...
How are Supervised Visits Arranged?
Supervised visits can be ordered by a judge if he feels that it would be in the child's best interest to have one of the parties monitored. Some reasons the visitation may need to be monitored would be if there is any indication that there is abuse going on, if...
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence is defined as when a person or persons are being threatened and/or physically/emotionally abused when the abuser and abused are: -Married -Registered domestic partners -Divorced or separated -Are or were in the past in a relationship -Living together or used to live together, however you are/were more than...