Often times Elder Abuse will go unnoticed due to uncertainty and fear. For instance, seniors are ill or immobile and do not know how to seek help or where they can go to seek assistance. Additionally, often the caretakers are someone they know, family, friend, or relative they fear the...
Spreading Awareness to Prevent Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse can occur in any community. The cases of elder abuse are increasing and it is important that each senior receive adequate support and aid. It is important to note that the elder community is often vulnerable due to aging related health issues, or inadequate transportation and limited vehicles of communication....
How to Help Raise Awareness of Elder Abuse in Your Community?
Elder abuse is a serious issue that is occurring in communities around us. Many are unaware of how to identify elder abuse. It is pertinent that we educate each member of society regarding elder abuse. It is our duty to protect these senior citizens in our community. Furthermore, researching reasons elder abuse...