An often unfortunate feature of divorces is a drawn out and expensive child custody dispute. This blog is about how you can avoid going to court while at the same time maintaining your right to have a relationship with the children. Firstly, it is important to remember that the child's...
Keeping your Children Without Going to Court
An often unfortunate feature of divorces is a drawn out and expensive child custody dispute. This blog is about how you can avoid going to court while at the same time maintaining your right to have a relationship with the children. Firstly, it is important to remember that the child's...
What is a Mediation Session?
Mediation sessions are used as a method of conflict resolution. This method of conflict resolution approach may produce less stress than a typical court proceeding. Mediation sessions involve both parties and a neutral third party mediator. One of many appealing aspects of participating in a mediation session is their voluntary...