Why Mediate your divorce case?

If you are asking yourself the question, why mediate my divorce case, you have come to the right place. Many people are unaware of the types of services mediation can assist with. Mediation is an alternative to traditional conflict resolution methods. This is a voluntary process that allows the party...

What is the Mediators Role in a Divorce

In a divorce, the mediators role is to help the parties reach an amicable agreement.  The mediator will not offer suggestions on how the parties need to resolve their conflict. It is important to understand that the mediator is their to help the flow of dialogue between the two parties. For...

How Does Mediation Help In a Divorce?

Mediation may be a helpful option for your family to use to resolve a divorce matter. The traditional divorce proceeding can be costly as well as time consuming. It is important to speak with the other party to see if the two of you can work out an amicable agreement. If an...