For a mediation session to be successful it is important for the relationship between the mediators and the client to remain professional. The mediator must remain unbiased and be a neutral third party. Furthermore, the parties must voluntarily participate in the mediation sessions. It is important to read reviews on the...
Mediating a Divorce
Mediation is at times an alternative for couples seeking divorce. The reason for the preference could be the lower cost. Divorces can cost more depending on your specific matter and whether both parties are agreeable on the divorce issues at hand. Furthermore, mediation is voluntary for both parties. The benefit...
Mediation Conflict Resolution
Mediation as a conflict resolution option is becoming increasingly more popular. This form of conflict resolution is used to resolve various types of disputes, specifically divorce issues. Mediation sessions are useful to avoid the high priced cost of attorney. Furthermore, if you think the opposing party would be willing to...