The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act, also known as the (UCCJEA) served to amend years of inconsistent federal case law on the subject. The act provides laws regarding jurisdiction on child custody cases by providing clearer principles and standards for states to exercise original jurisdiction in child custody...
Divorce and social media nightmare
If you and your partner are getting a divorce, solid advice is to stay off social media sites! Do not tweet about your case or the other parent, Do not Facebook, Do not plaster information on Google plus and do not text because this documentary evidence may be used against...
Facts about Joint Custody vs Sole Custody
Divorce is difficult, emotionally and legally. Having children makes divorce even more difficult because you have to agree on who gets custody. Many people misunderstand what joint and sole custody are. Not knowing what these terms exactly entail lead to a divorce full of unnecessary expenses and heartache. Sole custody...