A Palm City women, Krista Cromwell is said to have been at her wits end and tired of filing contempt action after contempt action against Tyler Archibald of Martin County for not paying his court ordered child support. Well, apparently Ms. Cromwell found a law that has not been used...
Can I claim a Hardship Deduction or credit towards my child support?
Often the payor of child support wants to know if he or she can obtain a hardship deduction or credit for a natural or adopted child of another relationship that lives with him or her. A hardship deduction can be requested under California Family Code Section 4701. This section allows...
Women paying Child and Spousal Support
Women are moving on up in to day’s work force and hence when the love is gone, more women are finding themselves having to pay child support and spousal support to their male counterparts. It appears that more women are the primary bread winners and therefore Family Law attorneys are...