What if I am Behind on Child Support Payments?

When a parent is behind on child support payments, that parent is considered “not in compliance” or “criminally non-compliant”.  If a payment was paid short or was a few days late, that parent would be considered “not in compliance”.  If a long time has passed since a payment or the...

How to get Visitation with Your Children

If you are in the middle of a divorce and have questions regarding visitation with your child it is important to speak with a legal profession. For further information you may contact a family law attorney who can assist you with your family law matter. Visitation will be decided by...

What Happens to Support Payments in Bankruptcy?

According to "The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt," unemployment, medical bills, and divorce cause 40% of individual bankruptcies. How a divorce will affect an individual who files for bankruptcy depends on the settlement reached with regard to spousal and child support. If a person who owes you child support...