Child support attorney in Orange County

If you are looking for a child support attorney in Orange County, stemming from a divorce, dissolution or legal separation action, from a disagreement resulting from the sum of child support being paid, our family law firm can help you. The State of California uses guidelines for calculating the amount of...

What Happens If Child Support Is Not Paid?

It is important to keep current with your child support orders. During a divorce a court may order you to pay a certain amount in child support based on income. The order will reflect the exact amount that needs to be paid for the child or children. If you find...

Child Support in Orange County: When a parent lives in another state

When a parent or guardian of a child lives in a different state, or even country, a child support case can be opened in a one of the parent's or guardian's local child support agencies. This will create and exact a child support order or the agency will request help...