Financial Advice for Single Parents

According to the Department of Agriculture, raising a child in 2010 cost $226,920 on average. According to the 2006 Census data, there are more than 13 million parents who raise a child solo, which cannot be an easy task financially or physically. Thus, here are some tips to insuring a...

How to keep a relationship with the kids after a divorce

Divorce is a tricky time for parent-child relationships. Emotional and energy-drained parents often don't understand how their kids view the divorce and how kids will be effected by the change in the family. However, here are three simple ways that parents can still keep in touch with their kids even...

Child Custody Diputes are Difficult; Don’t make yours worse

While general common sense and thoughtful review of actions would seem to be enough for general guidelines of what not to do during a child custody dispute, here are a few pointers that serve as definite "don't's in the child custody process. Rule #1 is to do what the judge...