As of few days ago, the news headlines have read, "Rihanna and Chris Brown back together." Former couple Rihanna and Chris Brown are now officially back together. Approximately four years ago this couple was in the headlines for the physical abuse Mr. Brown inflicted upon Rihanna. This matter has been...
How to keep a relationship with the kids after a divorce
Divorce is a tricky time for parent-child relationships. Emotional and energy-drained parents often don't understand how their kids view the divorce and how kids will be effected by the change in the family. However, here are three simple ways that parents can still keep in touch with their kids even...
What is Mediation?
Mediation is an method of dispute resolution. This is not as costly as the typical court proceeding. In a mediation session both parties are there voluntarily. These sessions facilitate communication and cooperation between the parties. The mediator will help assist the parties to reach a resolution and ensure flow of...