How do I Modify a Child Support Order?

If you are looking to modify a child support order you will need to show the court that their is a change in circumstance rendering you unable to pay support previously ordered. The court ordered child support based on certain criteria and if it is not paid you may be...

Alimony Attorney in Orange County, California

Spousal Support - Alimony in Orange County, California California law affords that alimony or spousal support may be awarded to either spouse in relation with a proceeding for divorce or legal separation. If you are pursuing alimony or you have been demanded to pay spousal support, it is in your interest...

After an Annulment

After an annulment in California what happens?  If your marriage or registered domestic partnership has been annulled, then that means that the relationship was never valid and you might not have certain rights and obligations available to you as you would if you were legally separated or divorced. When your annulment involves...