Parental abduction California – Hague Convention information

If you landed on this page, you most likely conducted a search for "Parental abduction California" or something similar. I will attempt to shed some light on this topic. In general, when a parent takes a child who is a citizen of the United States, the State Department's Office of...

Parentage or Paternity Cases in Orange County

Parentage cases or paternity cases are held to determine who a child's parents are. There is no question about the parentage of a child when the parents are married at the time of the child's birth because the law assumes the husband is the father. The same goes for domestic...

What is “custody and visitation”? | legal custody | physical custody | visitation order

When you separate or divorce from a marriage or domestic partnership where there are children involved, you and your partner will need to decide on who will have custody of your children and how they will be taken cared of  now that your relationship has ended. Visitation rights (sometimes called...