Defined as: A process for resolving divorce and other similar family issues by good faith negotiation on a cooperative, voluntary basis without litigation. One way of handling your divorce or separation is to get a collaborative divorce or 'collaborative law'. This is when you and your spouse or domestic partner, each with your...
What is the difference between a will and a living trust?
A will, also called a testament, is a legally enforceable document directing how a deceased person's property is to be distributed. A trust is created by a living person but administered by another party while the person who created the trust is still alive. A living trust allows property to...
What is a Collaborative Divorce?
If both parties are in agreement that they will not take this matter to court a collaborative divorce may be an option. Parties will have various 4-way meetings with their lawyers to reach an agreement between one another. The lawyers representing the parties will not take the matter into court....