Holiday Troubles

Holidays seem to be the busiest time for family law attorneys.  Suddenly, people refuse to follow court orders, misunderstand stipulations, and the list goes on.  Making sure your agreement has been written by an experienced family law attorney can help you to avoid the holiday drama.  Agreements should be written...

California OC child custody orders

When it comes to child custody orders, divorce parties, often do not understand that each party has equal parental rights to the children produced by the marriage until an order has been issued.  So, when filing for a divorce, often attorneys will quickly file an Order to Show Cause, asking the Court to...

Do We Need An Attorney To Divide Property During A Divorce?

If divorcing couples agree, an attorney should still be consulted, even if there are only property issues.  It is best that the parties both know all of their rights before signing them away. If you can part as friends, the last thing you would want is to find out that the parties were mistaken...