No-fault divorce is a dissolution of marriage, which does not demand a proving of misconduct by either spouse. California no-fault divorce law allows a family law court to allow a divorce by either spouse, without needing the petitioner to give proof that the respondent has perpetrated a violation of the...
Domestic Violence: Common and Intolerable
Every nine seconds, a woman is assaulted or battered in the U.S., making domestic violence the leading cause of injury to women- more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. However, according to reports from 10 countries, 55-95 percent of women who have been physically abused by their partners had...
Who is the Petitioner? And Who is the Respondent?
When filing a divorce petition the party that files the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (requests) the divorce is called the Petitioner. The other spouse who will respond to the divorce is called the Respondent. Often these labels can be confusing to self-represented litigants. The caption (Name) of the case...