California Law classifies “domestic violence” as abuse that has been perpetrated against a spouse, cohabitant, former spouse, or former cohabitant. Domestic violence perpetrated by one's present or previous dating partner or fiancé is also domestic violence, as is violence committed against the parent of a child by the other parent....
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence is defined as when a person or persons are being threatened and/or physically/emotionally abused when the abuser and abused are: -Married -Registered domestic partners -Divorced or separated -Are or were in the past in a relationship -Living together or used to live together, however you are/were more than...
Should I Get a Restraining Order?
If there is domestic abuse a restraining order can be obtained from a judge the next business day after you go to court or sometimes even on the same day. If you have children, it is an especially good idea to go to a lawyer first. Although filing a restraining...