In the State of California, if you want to file a restraining order against someone but want to keep your address hidden from the abuser, the California Secretary of State runs a program called 'Safe Home' where you can get a secure address for use with your court papers or...
A Domestic Violence Restraining Order
If you are being physically abused, stalked, threatened or even harassed, you can ask the court for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order if you have a close relationship with the person who is abusing you such as a person you are married to, or if you have dated, separated, divorced,...
Garden Grove Woman Cuts off Husbands Penis
A Garden Grove woman who had a divorce pending on July 11th decided, according to authorities to give her husband a substance to make him sleepy so that she could cut off his penis. According to authorities the woman states, "he deserved it". When filing for a Divorce it may...