When filing a divorce petition the party that files the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage (requests) the divorce is called the Petitioner. The other spouse who will respond to the divorce is called the Respondent. Often these labels can be confusing to self-represented litigants. The caption (Name) of the case...
What Constitutes Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence can constitute various things such as: 1) Throwing any kind of object at you. 2) If any kind of physical force is used; such as punching, kicking, choking, scratching, and anything else physical that could injure them. 3) If there have been any threats or use of weapons...
Information Regarding Restraining Orders
Obtaining a restraining order is no trivial issue. Courts are extremely careful when issuing restraining orders because they may severely limit the ability of a person to communicate or travel. Furthermore, courts also do not want to mistakenly issue restraining orders for misguided reasons. However, restraining orders are vital as...