For couples planning on getting a divorce or in the process of getting a divorce, be careful of texting and Facebook because, surprisingly, they can be used against you in court. According to one survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 81 percent of the members of the...
Social Media Can Play A Crucial Role in Divorces
Technology advancements although highly beneficial can also be used against you in a court of law. It is important to keep in mind that anything you post online can be saved, printed, and showed to employers, friends, or court officials. Facebook when used for the wrong purposes can have detrimental...
Facebook Impacting Divorce Rates?
Some people have questioned if Facebook has led to an increase in divorces. In an article a British Legal Firm had noted that approximately one in five divorces were related to Facebook in some way shape or form. On the social network Facebook, a persons private life is broadcasted for...