Orange County Family Law Attorney, Divorce & Child Custody Lawyers

[content_box custom_class="box-1"] [row] [span4] Our Firm is ready to handle any type of California family law case. Free Consultation We look forward to helping families. If you or your loved ones are in need of legal assistance contact us. Here is a short list of some of the communities nearby,...

Parentage or Paternity Cases in Orange County

Parentage cases or paternity cases are held to determine who a child's parents are. There is no question about the parentage of a child when the parents are married at the time of the child's birth because the law assumes the husband is the father. The same goes for domestic...

What is a Family Law CONTEMPT ACTION?

A Family Law contempt action can be Civil or Criminal. In a civil contempt the goal is to have corrective measures take place, whereas in a criminal contempt matter the Citee maybe sentenced to five (5) days in jail for each count. The jail sentence is imposed for the willful...