The difference between "immediate" or "preference" relatives is that immediate relatives may obtain permanent residency at any time while preference relatives must wait until their "priority" date is available which varies depending on country of origin and other factors. Immediate relatives are spouses of US citizens, children (under 21) of...
Who Qualifies for Family Based Visas?
Family based immigration visas are reserved for relatives of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents. The two qualifications to obtain a family based visa are 1) to not be inadmissible, and 2) to prove the immigrant has a family relationship with a US citizen or permanent resident. Depending on whether...
Reasons to get a Prenuptial Agreement
Some pre-nuptial agreements are made because of financial reasons, some are also made for the legal benefits of signing a pre-nup. If there is a gap in current wealth or income, a pre-nup is a good idea because it protects both individuals. This way, neither party is surprised because the...