determining who should get custody... Winner of the 2016 Annual Family Law Scholarship Essay contest: Nicole Strombom, Saint Louis University JD/MPH The question was posted: What issues do family law judges take into account when determining who should get custody of the children; how can the child custody orders be modified...
Best ways to get custody as a father in Orange County CA
The Best Ways to Get Custody as a Father in Orange County, California What are the best ways to get custody as a father in Orange County CA: Historically, it has been thought that when parents get a divorce, the mother is more likely to get custody of the children,...
How will the Age of a Child Play a Role in my Custody Agreement in Orange County?
Will the age of the child play a role in how the judge determines custody in Orange County? How will the Age of a Child Play a Role in my Custody Agreement in Orange County?: The age of a child may play a role in your custody agreement, whether it...