If/when custody disagreements occur between parents concerning the custody and visitation order or discrepancies, mediation may be the way to reach a solution without the intervention of the courts. Mediation is meant to create a parenting plan that will best benefit the child/children while allowing your them to spend the most...
What is a Collaborative Divorce?
If both parties are in agreement that they will not take this matter to court a collaborative divorce may be an option. Parties will have various 4-way meetings with their lawyers to reach an agreement between one another. The lawyers representing the parties will not take the matter into court....
Should I go to Mediation?
If you would like a third-party who will remain neutral then mediation may be an option for you. In this process the mediator will listen to both sides of an issue or dispute and will remain impartial. This mediation process is voluntary and due to the voluntary nature of this...