Mediation Divorce Lawyers

Mediatior divorce lawyers can assist with resolving the conflicts in a divorce without needing to appear in court. In a mediation session both parties appear voluntarily. The voluntary nature of these mediation sessions take of some of the stress and tension that is associated with filing for a divorce. Divorce...

Less Expensive Divorce Alternative

During this holiday season and with the low economic conditions many are stressed regarding their financials. If you are seeking a divorce or need to reach a stipulation with an opposing party you may need to evaluate all of your options, and reach the most cost effective solution. Consulting with...

What is a Mediation Session?

Mediation sessions are used as a method of conflict resolution. This method of conflict resolution approach may produce less stress than a typical court proceeding. Mediation sessions involve both parties and a neutral third party mediator. One of many appealing aspects of participating in a mediation session is their voluntary...