Restraining Orders and Protective Orders in Orange County California A restraining order, also known as a protective order, can be issued in California to protect one person from physical or sexual abuse, threats, stalking, or harassment. It may be issued to prevent domestic violence, or it may be issued to...
Reasons to Request a Restraining Order
Reasons to request a restraining order will vary from person to person. Many times a restraining order will be requested if another individual is harassing, or threatening to harm the other individual, or their children. The restraining order is necessary to protect an individual from harm. In order to obtain...
When should I get a restraining order?
Restraining orders may be requested when you are in an abusive relationship. You may be asking yourself, "When should I get a restraining order? " If you feel that your life, or the life of your children is in danger it is important to immediately seek assistance. Domestic violence can range...