Family Protection Unit: Domestic Violence

If a current or former spouse, domestic partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, housemate or the other parent of a shared child threatens you with or performs acts of violence towards you, that is considered domestic violence. Many victims are hesitant to report any cases of domestic violence because of their family...

A Domestic Violence Restraining Order

If you are being physically abused, stalked, threatened or even harassed, you can ask the court for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order if you have a close relationship with the person who is abusing you such as a person you are married to, or if you have dated, separated, divorced,...

Restraining Orders types in California

If you feel you are being threatened, stalked, harassed and/or physically abused you can have the courts order a restraining order to help protect you from the perpetrator. There are often no fees to getting a court ordered restraining order so securing your safety is achievable no matter what your income or status....