Same-sex LGBT divorce FAQ: What Does Federal Law Mean for Same Sex Marriages in Irvine, Newport Beach and all of OC California? Gay and Lesbian Marriage in Orange County, CA Recent changes to federal law have legalized same sex marriage across the nation. In California, however, those in gay and...
How is Child Custody Determined in Same Sex Relationships in Orange County, California?
Same-sex child custody FAQ: How is Child Custody Determined in Same Sex Relationships in Orange County, California? Same Sex Child Custody Even with recent changes to federal laws regarding same sex couples and marriage, the United States still has a long way to go when it comes to other family...
Same Sex Divorce in Orange County California
Same-Sex Marriage FAQ: Same-Sex Marriage: Orange County CA Same-sex Divorce Attorney Same Sex Divorce in Orange County, California California has always been one of the most progressive states in the nation regarding marriage equality. Same sex couples have been allowed to marry in California in the past, unlike many other...