Seal and Heidi Klum have been in a marriage of approximately seven years. It has been announced recently that the two will be parting ways. This is a highly publicized split due to the high profile celebrities involved. The issues that may need to be discussed are custody of the...
Spousal Support Information
California Family Code §4326 discusses some point regarding spousal support that may be worth noting. Under certain circumstances, the termination of child support may constitute a change of circumstance sufficient to allow a party to file for modification of the child support order. One detail to be aware of is...
Difference Between Spousal Support and Alimony?
There is no difference between the term “spousal support” and what other states call “alimony.” Just as California prefers to use the term “dissolution” when terminating a marriage, rather than “divorce,” California also prefers the term “spousal support,” rather than “alimony.” Both involve the determination of support necessary to assist...