Spousal Support

Determination of spousal support is dependent on many factors that have been set out by Family Code §4320.  The factors, considered in total, allow the judge to make a determination of what would be fair in light of these factors, as well as the relative income of each party. Especially in long term...

What Happens to Support Payments in Bankruptcy?

According to "The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt," unemployment, medical bills, and divorce cause 40% of individual bankruptcies. How a divorce will affect an individual who files for bankruptcy depends on the settlement reached with regard to spousal and child support. If a person who owes you child support...

Does a Bad Economy Stop Divorce?

While financial problems are often cited as a reason for a couple's divorce, it turns out the bad economy may be forcing people to stay together. Many couples simply can not afford the legal fees associated with a divorce and so choose to stay together. However, a bad economy may...