Many wonder if they are separated or divorced if they will have to pay the opposing party spousal support. Additionally, the parties may also want the other party to be required by a court order to pay money to them. The money ordered by the court is to support the...
Spousal support attorney Orange County
When it comes to Orange County spousal support attorneys, many spouses are uneasy while going through a divorce or family law procedure that will determine their lively hood. At our family law firm we know that wisdom is strength and we labor to inform our clients on the progress of...
Alimony Attorney in Orange County, California
Spousal Support - Alimony in Orange County, California California law affords that alimony or spousal support may be awarded to either spouse in relation with a proceeding for divorce or legal separation. If you are pursuing alimony or you have been demanded to pay spousal support, it is in your interest...