The Difference between an Annulment and a Divorce

February: Month of Romance or Divorce?
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Annulment and divorce are two legal ways to end a marriage. An annulment is a legal procedure that cancels a marriage between a man and a woman. Annulling a marriage essentially means that, legally, the marriage never happened. A divorce is also ending a marriage between a man and a woman, but it does not erase the fact that the marriage happened.

An annulment may be more difficult to carry through, since the party initiating the annulment needs to prove sufficient reasons to do so. Some common grounds for annulment are: bigamy (either party was married to another person at time of marriage), forced consent (either party was forced into marrying the other party), fraud, marriage prohibited by law (marriage considered incestuous), mental illness, and mental incapacity (either party was under the influence of alcohol or drugs at time of marriage).

However, this does not make getting a divorce any simpler. Some reasons for getting a divorce are: difference in priorities, addiction, child-rearing issues, religious strains, financial issues, abuse, lack of communication, and infidelity. In some ways, getting a divorce may be more complicated. Assets must be divided, and child-care must be discussed.

For further information regarding annulment and divorce please contact the Divorce Attorneys for the OC at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

February: Month of Romance or Divorce?
Prenuptial Agreements: To Sign or Not to Sign?