The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act

Divorce process and how spousal support - alimony is determined
Domestic Violence victims can be protected by two actions - Criminal and Civil

The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act, also known as the (UCCJEA) served to amend years of inconsistent federal case law on the subject. The act provides laws regarding jurisdiction on child custody cases by providing clearer principles and standards for states to exercise original jurisdiction in child custody cases. Additionally, children can be further protected from abduction across international borders by The Hague Convention. Before you travel or allow your children to travel internationally check to see if the destination country is a signatory Under the UCCJEA and/or under The Hague Convention or you may find yourself battling for interstate or perhaps even international custody.

The UCCJA has been adopted as law in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands.

For child custody matters contact the Certified Family Law Specialist to help you with custody legal issues. You can contact us @ 714-971-8000 or complete the family law contact form.

Divorce process and how spousal support - alimony is determined
Domestic Violence victims can be protected by two actions - Criminal and Civil