What Constitutes Domestic Violence?

Who is the Petitioner in a Divorce?
Information on Filling Out Divorce Papers

Domestic violence can constitute various things such as:

1) Throwing any kind of object at you.

2) If any kind of physical force is used; such as punching, kicking, choking, scratching, and anything else physical that could injure them.

3) If there have been any threats or use of weapons to intimidate or harm you.

4) If someone during an argument has preventing you from leaving a room by blocking any or all pathways.

5) If your significant other has preventing you to call someone for help.

There are many other forms of domestic abuse or domestic violence these are just a few. These examples are intended to give you an idea regarding various forms of domestic violence.

If you are interested in speaking with a Family Law Attorney in your area contact Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000.

 Orange County family law attorneys offers a full range of Domestic Violence services. We offer a free 60 minute consultation call today to schedule your free consultation with our skilled family law attorneys 714-971-8000

Who is the Petitioner in a Divorce?
Information on Filling Out Divorce Papers