What is a Legal Separation?

What is Alimony?
How are Supervised Visits Arranged?

This is similar to a divorce in regards to the process of dividing assets, deciding child custody and visitation, and arranging support. If you are considering a legal separation you will want to know the process and the differences between legal separation and divorce. In a nutshell, with a legal separation you have filed the same legal documents and are asking for similar things as with a divorce. The main difference is that after all is said and done you are still married. If you would like to finalize a divorce you will need to file additional documents.

It is important to understand the differences between divorce and legal separation. With a legal separation both parties need to be on the same page. Both parties will need to agree to a legal separation. If by chance, the parties do not agree to the legal separation the matter will only be able to proceed on as a divorce action.  Furthermore, in the State of California the minimum duration of a divorce is six months, this six months is a waiting period. This waiting period is in place just in case the parties change their minds during the course of the process.

The legal separation attorneys in Orange County are waiting to assist you with your concerns.

What is Alimony?
How are Supervised Visits Arranged?