What is a Mediators Role?

Child Custody and Divorce
The government of Japan has officially determined to ratify Hague Convention on Child Abduction

The mediators role during a mediation session is to remain unbiased. It is important that the mediator not play favorites or take a side. In addition, it is important that the mediator not try to sway a decision, one way, or another. Furthermore, if either party asks you for your opinion, or suggestions for how to resolve the issue, it is important to refrain from giving your own personal advice or opinion.

The purpose of mediation is for both parties to put their differences out on the table and attempt to reach a resolution. For the mediation to be successful, the parties need to compromise and reach a fair and reasonable conclusion. The mediation process is voluntary for both parties. The voluntary nature of these sessions is at times appealing to both parties. Additionally, mediation is a more affordable method of conflict resolution.

Mediators that are used should be neutral third parties. Both parties should feel that the mediator is neutral in the situation and that the mediator simply wants the best for both parties.

For further information regarding mediation, the processes, or pricing, please contact your local attorney. If you would like to have a free consultation with a mediation attorney in the Orange County area, please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000.

Child Custody and Divorce
The government of Japan has officially determined to ratify Hague Convention on Child Abduction