What is Financial Elder Abuse?

What are the Different Forms of Elder Abuse?
Elder Abuse Protection

Financial elder abuse is one of the many forms of elder abuse that can occur. This type of elder abuse often occurs when the senior citizen is in a vulnerable state. For instance, many times the aging population due to failing health must obtain a power of attorney over their finances and financial decisions. The individual chosen for the power of attorney is to assist the senior in making all financial decisions. It is important that the individual granted the right and responsibility is a trustworthy individual.

Contact an Orange County Financial Elder Abuse attorney

Financial elder abuse attorney help in Orange County
Financial elder abuse attorney help in Orange County

Often times the senior may request that family members obtain power of attorney. Other times the power of attorney may be someone unrelated to the senior. It is important that family members check in with the senior to ensure their finances are in the appropriate hands. Sometimes people will take advantage of the senior and keep money that does not belong to them. It is important to report these cases to the authorities as soon as possible.

One form of financial elder abuse is using money that does not belong to you for an unauthorized purpose. Furthermore, asking a vulnerable senior citizen to provide you with money and taking advantage of the care giving position that you hold is considered financial abuse. It is important to speak with those elderly individuals you come in contact with and check on their health, personal well being, along with their financial well being.

Often times financial abuse is not reported because seniors are unaware that they are being taken advantage of. Additionally, the elderly population may not have transportation or a cell phone to report the abuse.

For further information regarding financial elder abuse and elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

What are the Different Forms of Elder Abuse?
Elder Abuse Protection