What is the Father’s Rights Movement

What does child custody and support have to do with international law?
A Will

Advocates of the women’s rights movement say that they do not want to give women hand-outs, but rather want to give women a fair chance. In family law circles, the father’s rights movement has recently gained momentum and wide publicity. Advocates of the movement state that they want family courts to consider both genders equally regarding child custody and support. Many believe that family courts are prejudiced against men. If fathers work more than stay at home, they are labeled as not being the primary care taker of the children. When fathers stay at home more than work, they are labeled as “deadbeats” looking to avoid paying higher child custody. These questions about fairness should at least fuel further discussion on how family courts view the role of fathers in a divorce settlement.

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What does child custody and support have to do with international law?
A Will