What to Expect in a Mediation Session?

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How to Protect Seniors from Abuse

If you are attending mediation for the first time you may be apprehensive. Mediation is a newer form of conflict resolution. If you would like to get more familiar with the process before signing up that is the best option. If you take the mediation route this may be less costly than filing for a divorce. Mediation is voluntary and both parties must agree to attend on their own.

Mediation sessions are conducted locally. Their are agencies that offer mediation as well as local attorneys. Some of these professionals may even offer free consultations to discuss your particular matter with you.

It is important that whichever mediator you choose to use is a neutral third party. In order for the session to be successful the mediator must remain a neutral third party to the situation. Furthermore, it is pertinent that the mediator refrain from taking either parties side. During the session the parties may ask for your suggestions, or for you to come up with a solution this is not the mediators role. The mediator is there to facilitate comfortable, flowing, and healthy dialogue.

For further information regarding mediation sessions please contact Yanez and Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation.

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