When to seek Mediation?

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Mediation is used to resolve conflicts between parties. Choosing to use mediation as a method of conflict resolution is based on preference. This may be an option if you would like to resolve the conflict in a less costly manner.

In addition, this may be a great option to consider before matters escalate. The mediation sessions are conducted by an unbiased third party.  One of the benefits of a mediation session is that it is voluntary.  Parties during a mediation session are trying to resolve their conflicts and be heard. The mediator conducts the session an ensures that both parties are heard.

Furthermore, when resolving a conflict you will need to weigh your options and resources. The best way to do this is to conduct research on various conflict resolution methods. Also, if you know friends or family who have gone through the process and have sought the advice of legal professionals or mediators.

Divorce attorneys are ready to help you with your  mediation process, for more information call 714-971-8000.

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