Why Do People Get Divorces?

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The reason couples divorce can vary. If you read various articles they often note that divorce has risen to 50%. The reasons this can occur will be a case by case basis. Some parties find that they have both changed and are no longer in love with each other. Furthermore, at times, one of the party changes so drastically and they simply have nothing in common with their spouse.

Additional reasons why marriages sometimes do not work are stress, new job environment, arguments, or sometimes couples find a new significant other.

If you feel that a divorce is in your future it is important to inform and educate yourself on the process. Research can be conducted online, by speaking to a legal professional, or asking friends or family who have gone through the process.

For further information regarding divorce and more please contact the Brea Divorce and Custody Lawyers at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

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