Why Use Mediation for Divorce Disputes?

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Why use mediation for divorce disputes in California? This is a question many face when deciding whether to dissolve a marriage. Some common questions that families may face when contemplating divorce are, “Is Divorce Right for me? Also, Why use Mediation for Divorce? For family law issues some families choose to use mediators to resolve their conflicts. Mediation is becoming a more popular solution for conflict resolution. Many cities and communities offer mediation sessions for families residing within the community. The benefits of mediation are the lower cost, which appeal to many. As many of you know depending on the particular divorce matter, divorce can be costly. For a mediation session, both parties must agree to attend the session in an effort to reach an amicable agreement regarding all of the issues in a divorce.

Why Use Mediation for Divorce Disputes?
Why Use Mediation for Divorce Disputes?

Mediation allows for both parties to voluntarily attend. The session is structured as a comfortable meeting between the two parties. Both parties are allotted an equal amount of time to discuss the issues that are concerning them. It is important for both parties to be respectful of one another, as well as the mediator assisting with the meeting. Both parties are required to refrain from interruptions and to wait until the other person is finished speaking before speaking. The mediator will clarify the structure and rules of the session before commencing.

Mediators are required to be neutral third parties and to remain unbiased. It is important that the mediator not play favorites. If the mediator plays favorites the parties will not feel that they have been given an equal opportunity to resolve the dispute. Furthermore, it is not the mediators job to find a solution for the parties. It is important that the parties discuss any issues and work toward their own solutions. The mediator is allowed to offer suggestions for how to resolve the conflict but not allowed to offer suggestions for what they believe will work for the parties.

For further information regarding mediation and family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free intial consultation! We look forward to assisting you with your family law matter.

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