Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles

Divorce attorney in Orange County California

Divorce Attorney in Orange County, California As a divorce attorney in Orange County California I am here to tell you that divorcing in California does not have to be a complicated process, but it does mean that you and your spouse or partner will need to make some decisions about the way your life will…
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How do I enforce child support payments in California If My Spouse or Domestic Partner Is not following the court order?

So, if you and your spouse or domestic partner are no longer together, and you have a child support order in place that orders your spouse or domestic partner to pay child support to you, your expectation is that the checks will arrive on time and be paid in full. But what happens when your spouse or domestic partner chooses not to pay, or not to pay in full? You do have options under the California legal system. A child support order that was issued by the court is legally enforceable, and you may choose to use the law to make sure that your child is financially supported
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Do I have to pay child support if I am not the biological father?

In California, biological parentage does not play as big of a role in determining child support as legal parentage does. A legal parent has both the legal rights and legal obligations that come with raising a child, even if that parent is not the biological parent. Depending on your situation, a biological parent may or may not be required to pay child support for a child in California, and a nonbiological parent or guardian may also be required to pay child support, or not.
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What Can I Do If the Other Party Is Not Following the Court’s Orders in OC CA?

When a court order has been issued, the people involved are legally required to follow the terms of the order, or to face legal consequences for refusing to do so. This also means that if a court order has been issued regarding you and another person, you can legally enforce your court order so that the other person does follow the terms of the order, even if he or she has not been doing so thus far.
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How Do I Open a Child Support Case in OC California?

In California, every parent has a legal obligation to provide financial support for his or her children. If your child’s other parent is not providing financial support for your shared child, you may initiate a child support case. In doing so, you can have a child support order created, and if necessary, you can have it legally enforced. This means that if your child’s other parent fails to pay the necessary amount to support a shared child, he or she will face legal consequences and could have his or her wages garnished in order to make payments.
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How do I stop a child support wage garnishment in OC CA When My Child Turns 18

In California, child support obligations usually end when a child turns 18 and graduates from high school, or turns 19. However, if your wages have been garnished in order to make your child support payments, you can usually terminate the wage garnishments as long as you are caught up on payments. Wage garnishments are standard in all California child support cases; however, parents or the local child support agency may choose to allow payment in another way.
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Grandparents’ rights to custody of grandchildren in Orange County, CA

As a grandparent in California, you may be able to legally enforce your visitation rights with your grandchildren, especially if your grandchild’s parents are divorced and your former son or daughter in law will not allow you to see your grandchild. Grandparent’s rights are not as easy to enforce as the rights of a parent, and you will need to meet certain criteria in order to establish or enforce your right to spend time with your grandchild. California law states that it will allow ‘reasonable visitation’, which may depend on each specific situation. Your existing relationship with your grandchild will also come into play.
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Other parent is not allowing me to see my children in Orange County, CA

I live in Orange County CA; the other parent is not allowing me to see my children, what can I do to see them? In California, it is usually in a child’s best interests to spend time with, and build a relationship with both parents. If your child’s other parent will not allow you to spend time with your children in California, you have the right to take legal action to spend time with your children.
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If My Child’s Other Parent is Using Drugs, How Do I Protect My Child in California?

If you are concerned that your child’s other parent is not providing a safe environment for your child while the child is in the custody of that parent, it is important for your child that you make an effort to protect him or her. However, it is important to remember that a custody order cannot be changed simply because you do not agree with what your child’s other parent is allowing while the child is spending time with that parent; the actions of the other parent will need to put the child in danger, or not be in the best interests of the child in order for the custody order to be successfully modified through the court.
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How do I modify Child custody, visitation and support orders in OC California?

Both child support orders and child custody and visitation orders will likely need to be modified at some point after their creation in order to remain useful. There are various reasons that modifications might be necessary, and a specific court process exists just for these situations. As with all matters regarding family law and children, it is always best to consult a skilled family lawyer in California prior to initiating the process of modifying a court order.
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