Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles

Can a Separated Unmarried Mother Move Away from California without the Father’s Permission?

Can a Separated, Unmarried Mother Move Away from California without the Father’s Permission?Any mother has the legal right to move away at any time. However, the way that her child custody rights will be affected can vary depending on the custody order in that is in place when she chooses to move.
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In California Can I Terminate the Father’s Rights Prior to the Birth?

In California Can I Terminate the Father’s Rights Prior to the Birth? In certain circumstances, it is possible to terminate a father’s parental rights prior to the birth of the child in California. However, if the father wishes to maintain his rights, it can be difficult to do, and there must be a good legal reason for doing so. In most cases, it is in the best interest of the child and the state of California for the father to be in the child’s life and to support the child financially.
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Are There Benefits to Filing for Divorce First in California?

FAQ: I live in Orange County, California Are There Benefits to Filing for Divorce First? Are There Benefits to Filing for Divorce First in California? There are some benefits in California to being the spouse who files for divorce first, but due to the state’s no-fault divorce law, there are no serious drawbacks to being the one who is served with divorce papers.
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What should I know about ex-partes before requesting one in Irvine CA?

What should I know about ex-partes before requesting one in Irvine CA? An ex parte order is one that is issued and is legally enforceable before the opposing party has had the opportunity to present his or her case. Because the opposing party has not had the opportunity to present his or her case, an ex parte order is only available under extreme circumstances, and they are not issued in every case.
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Awarded joint custody cannot see child what is my recourse?

I was Awarded Joint Custody in OC California, but my Ex-Spouse will Not Allow me to See my Child. What is my Recourse? Awarded joint custody cannot see child what is my recourse? If joint custody has been awarded to you and your ex-spouse, your child legally lives with both of you for some of the time. In the case that your ex-spouse is preventing you from spending time with your child at all, it is considered a violation of your custody order.
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Does Religion Enter into the Determination of Child Custody in Orange County, California?

Can Religion Enter into the Determination of Child Custody in California? Does Religion Enter into the Determination of Child Custody in Orange County, California? In the United States, a parent’s religion and child custody should have no effect on the outcome of a custody case. A child’s parents have the right to decide what a child’s religion will be while that child is under 18.
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Will Being Unemployed Affect my Custody Case in Orange County, California?

FAQ: Will Being Unemployed Affect my Custody Case in Orange County? A parent’s unemployment should not directly affect a child custody case in California. Child custody is based on the best interest of the child, and while providing financial support for a child is one of the parental obligations that every parent has, child support is a separate issue from child custody.
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What is a Shared Custody Arrangement in California and How Does it Work?

FAQ: What is a Shared Custody Arrangement in California and How Does it Work? There are several types of custody arrangements that may be ordered by the California courts: sole custody and joint custody being the main two. Shared custody, also called joint custody, is when both parents share custody of their child(ren). Custody in California is divided into two parts: a schedule for when the child spends time with each parent, and a plan for how the parents will make decisions for their shared children.
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What is Supervised Visitation in Orange County California?

I need help understanding, "What is Supervised Visitation in Orange County, California" What is Supervised Visitation in Orange County California is an excellent question. Supervised visitation is the time that a noncustodial parent can spend with his or her child, as per court order, while another adult is present.
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What are Common Terms I Should Learn for my Child Custody Case in Orange County, CA

What are some Common Terms I Should Learn for my Child Custody Case in Orange County, California? When you get into a child custody case in Southern California, you will likely run into a lot of unfamiliar terms. While a great attorney will make sure that you understand what all of the child custody terms mean, it never hurts to have a little bit of background information
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