Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles
Separate property is property that during a divorce does not need to be divided. At times, although property was acquired during marriage it can still be considered separate property. In addition, if something was a gift or inherited it is also separate property. Therefore, these types of property obtained would not need to be divided…
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A juvenile dependency case involves an accusation of abuse and neglect of a child. You have to right to be represented by a lawyer, and so does your child. If you are financially unable to acquire a lawyer for yourself, you can ask the court to appoint one to you. Your child will also be…
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There are certain exceptions, but yes, most of all court cases are public. If anyone wanted information about a court case, they can often get the case files from the court clerk. There are currently three exceptions that would make your court case private. 1. If the type of case itself is a confidential case,…
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Any property that one obtains during a marriage is known as community property. Under the law community property is to be split 50/50 during the divorce. Community property is also property obtained during marriage and before the couple separated. Although at times property is only in one of the spouses names the law will recognize…
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If you are attempting to find your child's other birth parent to tell them that you want to put your child up for adoption, the following are some things you can try. -You can attempt to contact the other birth parent of your child at his/her last known address with a certified letter complete with your return…
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After an annulment in California what happens? If your marriage or registered domestic partnership has been annulled, then that means that the relationship was never valid and you might not have certain rights and obligations available to you as you would if you were legally separated or divorced. [caption id="attachment_9141" align="alignleft" width="300"] After an annulment…
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When a child is removed from his or her parent/legal guardian’s home and is declared a “dependent of the court,” the process is called juvenile dependency. Juvenile Dependency cases occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes there is alleged abuse or neglect on the part of the parent or caretaker and sometimes parents are not…
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Establishing parentage is also called paternity testing and this is done to determine who a child's biological father is. It can mean getting a court order as a declaration of the fact after a paternity test or a Declaration of Paternity can be signed at the hospital when the child is born or after the…
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When involved in a child custody matter if you would like things to run smoothly their are a few things to keep in mind. First, always make sure to obey all court orders. Second, if possible avoid self help when handling family law matters. Third, avoid making false statements regarding the opposing party. Finally, try…
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Elder abuse is the abuse of a person who is 65 years of age or older. Dependant adult abuse is the abuse of an adult who is physically and/or mentally challenged and who is unable to protect themselves. Abuse does not consist only of physical abuse, it can also mean things like neglect, abandonment and isolation…
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