Orange County California Family Law & Divorce Articles

Understanding My Property Rights in an Orange County CA Divorce

FAQ: I need help Understanding My Property Rights in a California Divorce Understanding Your Property Rights in an Orange County California Divorce Depending on the state in which you live, you may have different rights to property in the case of a divorce. In California, each party has the right to half of the community property…
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What are the Rights of a Father Regarding Child Custody in Orange County

FAQ: What are the rights of a Father Regarding Child Custody Best Orange County Fathers’ Rights Attorney Historically, when two parents are not together in the United States, it is assumed that the mother will have custody of any children they share, and that the father will have to pay child support. While this is…
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Where can I Find an Orange County Property Division Attorney

FAQ: Where can I Find an Orange County Property Division Attorney Find an Orange County CA Property Division Attorney During a marriage or registered domestic partnership, a couple may acquire many things together, including money, property, children, businesses, investments, retirement accounts, debts, credit cards, etc. The longer a couple is together, the more likely they…
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Abogado de divorcio en el Condado de Orange California

Abogado de divorcio en el Condado de Orange, California Click to request a Free Consultation Como un abogado de divorcio en el Condado de Orange California Estoy aquí para decirles que se divorcian en California no tiene por qué ser un proceso complicado, pero sí significa que usted y su cónyuge o pareja tendrá que…
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How is Debt Divided in an Orange County Divorce

FAQ: How is Debt Divided in an Orange County Divorce or legal separation? Orange County Debt Division Attorney When a couple goes through a divorce or a legal separation in California, most people know that they will have to divide all of the property and money that they do have. But, what about what they don’t…
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Find an Orange County California Asset Division Lawyer

FAQ: Where can I Find an OC California Asset Division Lawyer Asset Division Lawyers in OC California Dividing assets in a California divorce can be a complicated process, but with the help of a financial professional or a qualified lawyer, it doesn’t have to be. As California is a community property state, all property and…
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Dividing Property in an Orange County California Divorce or Separation

I need help Dividing Property in an OC California Divorce  Dividing Property in an OC California Divorce or Separation: When a couple obtains a divorce or a legal separation in California, all debts and property that they have acquired during their marriage needs to be divided between them. The process of dividing property and debt…
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What are the Legal Ways to Enforce a Court Order in Orange County California

FAQ: What are the Legal Ways to Enforce a Court Order in Orange County California? What are the Legal Ways to Enforce a Court Order in California When a court order is issued in California, the court has ordered a person either to take a certain action, or not to take a certain action. Family…
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What Can a Protective Order do to Protect Me in Orange County CA

FAQ: What Can a Protective Order do to Protect Me and my family in Orange County? Orders of Protection in Orange County, California If you or a loved one has suffered violence at the hands of another person, you should consider obtaining an order of protection, also known as a restraining order. Orders of protection can…
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When Can I Ask for Child Support in Orange County CA?

Orange County CA Child Support Lawyer FAQ: When Can I Ask for Child Support in Orange County? When a child is born or lives in California, that child has the right to the financial support of both legal parents. When parents do not live together, or are not in a registered domestic partnership or marriage…
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